Practice ManagementENG

This treasure trove of legal practice management resources, including guides, practical tips and valuable insights, provides everything needed to efficiently manage a law firm.

2 Matter Plans


This treasure trove of legal practice management resources, including guides, practical tips, and valuable insights, provides everything needed to run an efficient law firm.

The detailed commentary contains a wealth of knowledge on most aspects of legal practice, including:

  • Ethics;
  • Solicitor and client relationship;
  • Employer and employee relationship;
  • Matter management tools;
  • Risk management issues;
  • Client communications;
  • Costs disclosure and billing;
  • Employment including recruitment, training, and retention; and
  • Financial management.

The practice management publication is an excellent starting point for those creating a strategic business plan for a new or existing law firm.

Also included is our comprehensive Legal Practice Health Check Tool, which allows a firm to readily assess its current performance and set goals for future development.

The 101 Staff Handbook contains the policies and procedures a law firm will need. Practice managers can adopt these policies out of the box or use them as a framework to establish bespoke policies.

Ready To Use Resources

Choose from ready-to-use legal documents within this Publication.

  • Unlimited access across all devices

  • Practical and up-to-date

  • Comprehensive library of legal precedents and forms

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2 Matter Plans Included

  • Bylawyers
    101 Staff Handbook
    “A comprehensive handbook setting out our firm’s policies in relation to behaviour at work.”

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  • Bylawyers
    “All organisations need to have rules to guide behaviour and expectations at work. The firm's rules are set out in this handbook, which forms part of the contract of employment for all team members. It is important to be familiar with this handbook as it contains information to assist in working ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Accepting property or documents from clients
    “The firm does not provide a storage facility and will not accept property or documents on behalf of clients other than materials relating to their current matters. Receipt of all client property and documents must be confirmed in writing.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Anti-money laundering procedures
    “Proof of source of funds In any transaction where a client is providing funds in addition to the firm’s fee, team members must obtain proof of the source of those funds and ask for supporting evidence to confirm the information provided.”

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  • Bylawyers
    “All client appointments are to be entered in the diary as soon as they are booked. The client will be sent an email confirming the appointment asking them to call the office the day before the appointment to confirm there has been no change in the arrangements.”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Once a matter has been completed and the file closed, the electronic file will be retained and accessed from LEAP. It is therefore important that everything relating to the matter is saved or scanned into LEAP as the matter progresses. The LEAP file will then represent the entire transaction in the ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Assets register
    “All assets of the firm are recorded in the assets register. Assets include computers, telephones, furniture and software.”

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  • Bylawyers
    “All invoices will be prepared using LEAP’s accounting function. Team members are required to prepare all invoices in draft form and send them to accounts for checking and approval. Only once this has been done can an invoice be sent to a client and a final copy sent to accounts. Invoicing needs to ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Bullying and harassment
    “The firm’s commitment The firm is committed to encouraging and maintaining good relations among all team members and a working environment which fosters teamwork and encourages everyone to give their best. Everyone employed by the firm and those who have dealings with the firm have a responsibility ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Code of conduct
    “The code of conduct represents the vision, mission and values of the firm and aligns with the firm’s obligations under the applicable professional standards. The firm will:”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Incoming All incoming post will be opened by a designated person and date stamped, before being distributed to the appropriate team member.”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Client complaints must be promptly referred to the complaints handling manager. Once a complaint is received the complaints handling manager will deal with the client directly. They will conduct a review of the complaint. They will interview the team member involved and may seek a written response ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Compulsory client updates
    “If it becomes apparent at any stage that the scope of work has changed then the change must be confirmed in writing with the client as soon as possible. If it becomes apparent at any stage that the timeframe given has become inaccurate, then the client must be promptly informed of the delay and ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Concluding a matter
    “Once a matter has concluded follow the firm’s file closure procedure:”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Definition of confidential information Confidential information is:”

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  • Bylawyers
    Data protection
    “Confidentiality is dealt with elsewhere in this handbook, however the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to holding clients’ personal information and enhances the requirements of confidentiality. All team members are required to be familiar with and to comply with the firm’s GDPR ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Disciplinary procedure
    “Gross misconduct Some matters are deemed to be so serious that first violation will normally result in summary dismissal, being dismissal without notice or money in lieu of notice. Such action will only be taken after full investigation of the incident and the team member has had the opportunity of ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Dress code
    “As with all things, appropriateness is the key. In an office, team members need to dress in office appropriate attire. For men this usually means tailored trousers and jacket or full suit, a long-sleeved business shirt, tie and clean dress shoes.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Drug and alcohol policy
    “Firm policy”

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  • Bylawyers
    Engagement management
    “Matter types The firm accepts instructions in the following matter types:”

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  • Bylawyers
    Equality and diversity policy
    “Discrimination and victimisation are unacceptable. The firm aims to ensure that no team member or job applicant receives less favourable facilities or treatment, either directly or indirectly, in recruitment or employment, on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    File opening
    “Within 24 hours of receiving new instructions to act on behalf of a client a new file is to be opened in LEAP clearly identifying the client, the person responsible for the matter and the scope of the instructions. A file reference will be generated that will be used on all documents and ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    File transfer
    “External Requests for client files to be transferred to another firm can come from the client directly or be made through their new solicitor. All such requests are to be authorised by a principal.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Health and safety
    “Evacuation procedure”

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  • Bylawyers
    Hours of work
    “All team members have their hours of work indicated in their contract of employment. The firm generally supports flexible working hours. Any team member who wishes to work flexibly, including away from the office, needs to have this agreed to in advance. Flexible working has to benefit the firm as ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Intellectual property
    “Existing IP Team members must at all times protect, assert and respect the firm’s intellectual property rights, as appropriate. This includes any intellectual property rights of third-party suppliers or clients which the firm has either a contractual right to use or a contractual obligation to ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Internet, email and mobile phone policy
    “Email and personal communications The firm’s email facility is for business purposes. The firm may undertake monitoring of both the content and the extent of the use of the firm’s email facility.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Jury service
    “If a team member is called and accepted for jury service, they will be given time off to attend and paid their normal pay whilst doing so. However, they must claim expenses for loss of earnings as allowed by the court and the amount of any payment from the court will be deducted from the employee’s ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Holiday Team members are entitled to annual leave as per their contract of employment.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Personal conflicts of interest
    “Team members are required to avoid situations where their personal interests may conflict with the firm’s interests. To avoid and manage these situations the firm's policy on personal conflicts of interest is that all actual or potential conflicts must be disclosed to the firm and team members must ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Recruitment and induction
    “The firm’s commitment The firm is committed to:”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Firm premises and equipment All team members are responsible for the security of the firm’s premises and equipment. Where applicable team members should ensure that both premises and equipment are secured.”

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  • Bylawyers
    Training policy
    “The firm supports and provides training to ensure all team members are best equipped to perform their roles and assist the firm’s clients. Lawyers are required to complete necessary continuing competence requirements each year to ensure that they are able to complete the annual declaration for the ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    “Undertakings are a professional promise. Breaching an undertaking is a serious professional matter for both the firm and the individual lawyer. No team member is authorised to give an undertaking on behalf of the firm without the specific approval of a principal. Never give an undertaking that ...”

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  • Bylawyers
    Whistleblowing policy
    “The firm’s commitment The firm is committed to the highest standards of transparency, probity and accountability.”

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More than 50 legal professionals have contributed to By Lawyers' publications, all helping to ensure content is updated regularly to reflect changes in legislation, practice and procedure.

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